
Novel Bioinspired Optimization Techniques for Resilience and Sustainability

Tag: Memetic Algorithms

Cotta, C. Harnessing memetic algorithms: a practical guide. TOP (2025).

New Paper on Memetic Algorithms

We are excited to share our latest research paper, “Harnessing Memetic Algorithms: A Practical Guide”, has just been published in Springer’s TOP journal. This work aims to provide a clear and practical guide to memetic algorithms (MAs) and how they can be applied to optimization problems. The paper is open access (thanks are due to the University of Málaga/CBUA), so everyone can read and benefit from it freely.

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Bio4Res at MAEB 2024

The 15th edition of the Spanish Conference on Metaheuristics, Evolutionary and Bioinspired Algorithms (MAEB 2024) was held within the Conference of the Spanish IA Association (CAEPIA 2024) in the premises of the Faculty of Computer Science of the University of A Coruña, and was scientifically organized by David Camacho and Juan Ramón Rabuñal. As usual, the conference gathered most of the leading Spanish researchers in the field, as well as a notable representation of younger researchers.

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Evolutionary Algorithms

Keynote at the IDEAL 2023 Conference

The 24th International Conference on Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning (IDEAL 2023) took place in Évora, Portugal, November 22-24, 2023. Locally organized by Paulo Quaresma, Vítor Nogueira and Teresa Gonçalves and chaired by Paulo Quaresma, David Camacho and Hujun Yin, the conference brought together researchers interested in intelligent data analysis, data mining and their associated learning systems and paradigms. Carlos Cotta, member of the Bio4Res Team was honored to be a Keynote Speaker at this conference.

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