
Novel Bioinspired Optimization Techniques for Resilience and Sustainability

Invited Talks at the DeepBio Workshop 2023

The DeepBio Workshop 2023 took place on Monday, March 20th, 2023 in the premises of the University of Extremadura at the Centro Universitario de Mérida. Organized by the Artificial Evolution Group of the UEX, this edition of the event had two members of the Bio4Res team -Carlos Cotta and Antonio J. Fernández- as invited speakers.

Carlos Cotta delivering his talk on Resilient Evolutionary Algorithms. Picture by Josefa Díaz

Carlos Cotta delivered a talk on resilient evolutionary algorithms. This talk focused on some of the topics central to the Bio4Res project, such as what are the key features in order to ensure resilient operation of evolutionary algorithms, and how these can be engineered into evolutionary algorithms. The interested reader may check the seminal paper on this topic presented last year at the EvoStar 2023 conference:

C. Cotta, G. Olague, Resilient Bioinspired Algorithms: A Computer System Design Perspective, Applications of Evolutionary Computation – EvoApplications 2022, J.L.J. Laredo, I. Hidalgo, K. Babaagba (eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13224, pp. 619-631, Springer, Cham, 2022

Antonio J. Fernández delivering his talk on R+D+i in the videogame world. Picture by Josefa Díaz

Antonio J. Fernández delivered a transversal talk about the work of videogames,and how research, development and innovation can be conducted in this area. Videogames and gamification are also two important elements in the Bio4Res project.

We had a great experience at the workshop, whose audience was composed of faculty members as wells as students, both graduate and undergraduate. The event had a very friendly atmosphere, and the talks were followed by a lively Q&A time. We would like to thanks the organizers, particularly Josefa Díaz and Francisco Fernández de Vega, for having us and for the the very smooth organization of the workshop.

