The GECCO 2023 conference took place in Lisbon (Portugal) from July 15th to July 19th. This year, the event was locally organized by Sara Silva as General Chair, Luís Paquete as Editor-in-Chief, and Leonardo Vanneschi as Local Chair. GECCO is currently the top world conference in the area of evolutionary computation, and this edition certainly lived up to the expectations, bringing together both the world’s most recognized researchers in this field as well as younger researchers who are bringing new blood, ideas and enthusiasm to the community.

The Bio4Res project was present at the conference with a work entitled “Tackling Adversarial Faults in Panmictic Evolutionary Algorithms” by C. Cotta. This work stems from the project’s research line on resilient bioinspired algorithms and focuses on the use of mechanism in order to cope with unreliable sources of fitness information. The abstract follows:
We analyze the performance of panmictic evolutionary algorithms in byzantine environments in which fitness can be computed by malicious agents. We measure the influence of the rate of unreliability of the environment, and the effect that a simple mechanism based on redundant computation can have on the results attained.
C. Cotta, Tackling Adversarial Faults in Panmictic Evolutionary Algorithms, GECCO ’23 Companion: Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion Proceedings, ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2 pages. doi:10.1145/3583133.3596426
The presentation was an excellent opportunity to discuss related research and several interesting ideas with interested attendees. GECCO was a great experience, as it usually is. Congratulations to the local organizers for just another fantastic GECCO!